Free or Inexpensive Summer Activities To Do With Kids has been published on Minimalist Finance
When kids are out of school, they can be expensive. The act of chauffeuring them around to and from activities and friends houses and play dates and shows can cost a ton of money in gas and then you have to spend on the activities themselves, as well. Here are some fun things that you can do with your kids this summer that will give your wallet a bit of a break:
Go to the Pool or Beach
Splashing in the water is free and fun; kids generally love swimming and playing in the water and you can relax nearby with a book or some friends.
If you aren’t near a beach, most parks or community centers have outdoor pools to visit; they may cost a small fee but you’ll still be saving money.
Rollerblade or Bike Ride
It can get hot in the summer, so playing sports isn’t always comfortable, but roller blading or cycling can cool you off by providing that breeze. Kids love being on wheels, so they may prefer to scooter or skate board. Find a park that has some trails and have some free fun!
Make Popsicles
As a child, I loved making popsicles with my mom and putting whatever juice and fruit bits I wanted in them. I’d anxiously wait for them to be frozen and then dive in!
Play With Water In The Yard
You can have some summer fun while cooling off without going anywhere at all! Grab some water guns, a slip-n-slide, or even just your lawn sprinkler and cool off by soaking each other! Make it into a game or a competition. If you don’t have water guns, you can pick some up at the dollar store for under $2/each. They don’t have to be fancy.
Kids can be expensive to entertain, but they don’t have to be. Do some free summer activities with them to balance out the books.